Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Christian School Of Masehi 1 Semarang

Education in Indonesia now good for development and human resources is always a good spawn. Especially now that the government increase the quota for the development of education with 20% of the state budget funds more automatic which can be channeled to good schools public and private.

In fact many of the sent grants from the USA and European countries and Japan to the problem of education in Indonesia, and the funds were part of it until well into the schools. Indeed for all the things that needed a good way of thinking in which leaders in getting funds from foreign grants can be distributed to eligible schools.

But in reality many are not arriving to the community because the current government dropped many funds unevenly so many schools that really need to develop school and scholarships to the students never get it. This is due to government policies that select ministers from a particular group automatically minister dropped a large fund in divisi only just. Resulting in gaps that occur in reality in educational development in Indonesia.

As our school is also used to help but when Nedherland Habibie government in the stop, the decline of education quality and kwantitasnya, here I wanted to help temen-temen in the USA, Europe and in Nedherland to work together to re-think their funds channeled to Christian schools in Indonesia as my school CE High School 1 Semarang through which individuals can trust and not corrupt grants to enable more funds to develop Christian schools are very pathetic and if nobody wrote any assistance could be closed.

And each day we teach the things a Christian education based on the principle of things in Christ demonstrated in his life and needs to know nearly 90% of our students are Muslim, and they delighted in our schools because we teach emang things about the love that always love our neighbor as ourselves.

Sallom ………………..!


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