Medical Ethics
Abu is a grown up man and a father of two kids lives in Bristol Ct USA and recently he met a young girl whose name is Mary at six flags New England amusement park of Massachusetts . Mary is a medical student and very happy to have a child. She is having a test-tube baby from a medical lab that stores and sells and fertilized human eggs. A long time ago Mary’s grandfather who was also a medical doctor donated the embryo for someone who can have a child and now grand daughter Mary is having her grandfather’s eggs to produce a human child in an educated society.
The moral question is what is the relation between Mary and the child?
There are many donors who passed away but there embryos (eggs) are wetting for buyers to change wisdom of God (Rab) and system of psych. Medical ethics and moral family values are in danger in the United State of America and in the European countries due to lack of wisdom . Wisdom of humane life is the quality that separates animals from human beings. It is a state of living that marked especially by understanding of Supreme Being for human beings.
Blessing on humanity (Rabi) from Mehdi (Imam) and Adam (Jesus) the father and the son with Holy Spirit!
The global women health and education crisis is the result of Christian ethics of distributing education, ethics and moral values unequally. We know that the “God save the queen and queen save the world if queen is humane ” The problem is when someone uneducated and dusk colored like me tries to prove something it is called delusion and the same product gets new name and introduced by some privileged member of Christianity called illusion.
Human faith religion starts from the premise of humanity which is more than a physical face and biological organism. It is a wisdom that can only be obtained from the nature of God (Rab). It is a stage of awareness where purity of living in the physical senses without bias. Humanity is theological evolution and logical process of supernatural system of Supreme Being, the theory of human faith religious is philosophy to evolve that human embryology is theological evolution and consciousness of supreme power.
Mary reminded Abu of his childhood days in Multan Pakistan where Quasar- E- Batool ( Mother ) is the central point of humanity. The City of Saint human faith thought Abu that materialistic stress for mental development of a child can produce an educated human with spiritual sense of awareness that child becomes humane.
Abu came home from the amusement park to Bristol that evening, prayed to his God (Rab) and asked heavenly light, what is wisdom?
The answer was, ability to see beneath the surface of life and death.
Human faith teaches not only moral values it can give realistic purpose of achieving complete fulfillment of internal life. Our method of understanding both the universe and life is based on unlimited confidence in individual by teaching respect of human life and God (Rab-Ul-Aalameen).
Human faith is Mehdi’s and Adam’s monotheistic faith and knows that God is the creator and overseer of the universe at all the time and all matters. Saint Human Faith and Adam (Jesus) the father and son do not support culture of
Drug users ,
Money lover ,
Thieves ,
Gamblers ,
The waves of fresh air with small particles full of wisdom and oxygen of (Rabi) are in the air it is just matter of time when they touch the brain to change the heart. Human Faith is heavenly light of knowledge restriction on sacred light is eclipse on humanity and blasphemy. The Divine Affirmations of human faith are the commandment of God (Rab) of Humanity (Rabi). The crime against the Divine laws is blasphemy and great disrespect for our God (Rab) of humanity (Rabi).
The last eclipse on Moon was in 2008 and the last eclipse of Sun will change ecological system of balance and chemistry of nature . It is time to educate our self about environment and realty of life.
There are no words can express the wisdom of God (Rab) , God is Knowledge, God is freedom ,God is light, God is Life, God is Love.
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