Friday, October 30, 2009

American and NATO dependence on Afghan warlords

Written by Gareth Porter,, Oct. 30, 2009




October 29, 2009  — WASHINGTON, Oct 29 (IPS) – The revelation by the New York Times Wednesday that Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, has long been on the payroll of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is only the tip of a much bigger iceberg of heavy dependence by U.S. and NATO counterinsurgency forces on Afghan warlords for security, according to a recently published report and investigations by Australian and Canadian journalists.

U.S. and other NATO military contingents operating in the provinces of Afghanistan’s predominantly Pashtun south and east have been hiring private militias controlled by Afghan warlords, according to these sources, to provide security for their forward operating bases and other bases and to guard convoys.

Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal has acknowledged that U.S. and NATO ties with warlords have been a cause of popular Afghan alienation from foreign military forces. But the policy is not likely to be reversed anytime soon, because U.S. and NATO officials still have no alternative to the security services the warlords provide.

A report published by the Center on International Cooperation at New York University in September notes that U.S. and NATO contingents have frequently hired security providers that are covertly owned by warlords who have “ready-made” private militias which compete with state institutions for power.

The report cites examples of major warlords or their relatives or allies who have been contracted for security services in four provinces.

In Uruzgan province, both U.S. and Australian Special Forces have contracted with a private army commanded by Col. Matiullah Khan, called Kandak Amniante Uruzgan, with 2,000 armed men, to provide security services on which their bases there depend. That case was reported in detail in April 2008 by two reporters for The Australian, Mark Dodd and Jeremy Kelly.

Col. Khan’s security force protects NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) convoys on the main road from Kandahar to Tarin Kowt, where more than 1,000 Australian troops are based at Camp Holland, according to the The Australian in April 2008.

Col. Khan gets 340,000 dollars per month – nearly 4.1 million dollars annually – for getting two convoys from Kandahar to Tarin Kowt safely each month. Khan, now police chief in Uruzgan province, evidently got his private army from his uncle Jan Mohammad Khan, a commander who helped defeat the Taliban in Kandahar in 2001 and was then rewarded by President Karzai by being named governor of Uruzgan in 2002.

The Australian Defence Force claimed to The Australian that Col. Khan is paid by the Afghan Ministry of Interior to provide security on the main highways of Uruzgan province. The Australian military had previously refused to confirm or deny Australian payments to Col. Khan.

CanWest News Service’s Mike Blanchfield and Andrew Mayeda reported in November 2007 that the Canadian military had hired a “General Gulalai” to provide security for an undisclosed forward operating base. Gulalai is a warlord in southern Afghanistan who drove the Taliban out of Kandahar in 2001.

The same reporters revealed that Col. Haji Toorjan, a local warlord allied with Kandahar governor and major warlord Gul Agha Sherzai, was hired to provide security for Camp Nathan Smith in Kandahar City, where Canada’s provincial construction team is located.

Blanchfeld and Mayeda found that the Canadian military had given 29 contracts worth 1.14 million dollars to a company identified as “Sherzai”, suggesting strongly that the former governor of Kandahar, who had become governor of Nangarhar province, was the owner.

The Canadian military refused to confirm whether Gul Agha Sherzai is indeed the owner.

In Badakhshan province, Gen. Nazri Mahmed, a warlord who is said to “control a significant portion of the province’s lucrative opium industry”, has the contract to provide security for the German Provincial Reconstruction Team, according to the NYU report.

The report suggests that the U.S. and NATO contingents are spending hundreds of millions of dollars annually on contracts with Afghan security providers, most of which are local power brokers guilty of human rights abuses.

In addition to Ahmed Wali Karzai, it names Hashmat Karzai, another brother of President Karzai, and Hamid Wardak, the son of Defence Minister Rahim Wardak, as powerful figures who control private security firms that have gotten security contracts without registering with the government.

Two anonymous United Nations sources cited in the report estimate that 1,000 to 1,500 unregistered armed security groups have been “employed, trained, and armed by ISAF” and “Coalition Forces” for security services. As many as 120,000 armed individuals are estimated by the U.N. sources to belong to about 5,000 private militias in Afghanistan.

Most Afghan warlords are widely reviled, mainly because the private armies they continue to control carry out theft and violence against civilians without any accountability.

In his initial assessment last August, Gen. McChrystal referred to “public anger and alienation” toward ISAF, of which he is commander, as a result of the perception that ISAF is “complicit” in “widespread corruption and abuse of power”.

That remark suggests that McChrystal, who had carried out the Special Forces’ policy of relying on Afghan warlords for security in the past, was now expressing concern about its political consequences.

Jake Sherman, a co-author of the NYU report, was a United Nations political officer involved in the effort to disarm warlords from 2003 to 2005. He is sceptical that U.S. policy ties with the warlords will be ended.

“I don’t see how U.S. and other contingents could sustain forward operating bases without paying these guys,” said Sherman in an interview with IPS.

Beyond their continuing dependence on the warlords for security services, Sherman sees another reason for keeping them on the payroll. If the U.S. and NATO military commanders tried to cut their ties with the private militias, Sherman said the warlords “would actually become a security threat”.

Sherman recalled that during his period working for the United Nations in northern Afghanistan, local police were hired to guard a World Food Programme warehouse in Badakhshan. After a rocket attack on the warehouse, an investigation quickly turned up the fact that the police themselves had carried out the attack to pressure the U.N. to hire more guards.

The present U.S. and NATO dependence on warlord armies is rooted in the policy of the George W. Bush administration in the early years after the ouster of the Taliban regime in late 2001.

The Central Intelligence Agency put the commanders of the forces who had defeated the Taliban on the payroll and gave them weapons and communications equipment to help U.S. counterterrorism squads locate any al Qaeda remnants in Afghanistan.

The commanders used the U.S. support to consolidate their political control over different provinces or sub-provincial areas. Human Rights Watch observed in a June 2002 report on the new relationships forged between the United States and the warlords, “While the U.S. government does not view this policy as actively supporting local warlords, the distinction is often lost on Afghan civilians who see coalition forces openly interacting with the warlords.”

Larry Goodson of the National War College, who participated in the 2002 process called the Loya Jirga under which the first post-Taliban Afghan government was established, told IPS he had recommended from the beginning a “de-warlordisation” process, in which “we took nasty, sleazy characters and turn them into less nasty, sleazy bosses.”

But the warlords were kept on the payroll, Goodson recalls, mainly because the troops controlled by the former commanders were seen as “force multipliers”, in a situation where foreign troops were in short supply.

Gareth Porter is an investigative historian and journalist specialising in U.S. national security policy. The paperback edition of his latest book, “Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam”, was published in 2006.

Caaalifornia love

Baam, sa var man framme i San Francisco. Har ar det inte fullt lika varmt som i Miami, men det blir ca 18 grader pa dagarna iallafall.

San Fran ar en riktigt mysig och skon stad. Mer laid back an nagon av de tidigare staderna jag varit i. Sa nu ska jag gora Kalifornien i ungefar en manad innan jag flyger till Sydney den 24:e nov. Nan som har lite resefoslag? Star lite still i huvvet… Vad ar nasta destionation?

Bor for tillfallet pa ett hostel som heter Green Tortoise. Bra hostel dar man far mycket varde for pengarna, men arligt talat ar atmosfaren lite smatrakig. Inte lika socialt som de 2 tidigare jag varit pa. Sa imorrn kommer jag checka in pa USA Hostel som ligger i downtown San Francisco. Jag har hort att det ska vara bra.

Huvudsaken ar val att jag antligen ar framme i Kalifornien, som var en riktigt stor anledning till att jag akte till USA overhuvudtaget. Sa det kanns fett. Aven om jag ska erkanna att jag borjat sakna New York och manniskorna dar lite. Grym stad och ett annu battre hostel. Traffade en tjej i New York som bor i L.A. sa jag ska forsoka fa tag pa henne. Hon lar veta bra hot spots runt vastkusten.

Kopte faktiskt en ny kamera igar. Butiken ville ha 350 USD for bara kameran, men jag fick kameran ett 2 gigs minneskort och ett case for kameran for 235 USD. Nagot har man val iallafall lart sej efter ca 2 ar som saljare.

Det var nog allt for den har gangen. Nu ska jag ga och peppa lite for hostel:et haller “Beer Olympics” ikvall. Gar tydligen ut pa att olika lander tavlar mot varandra i oldrickande. Tydligen ar jag anda svensken har… Ska kolla pa eBay om jag kan kopa en extra lever dar.

“Caaaalifornia looove” –2Pac

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Devastating civil war in Yemen: Is it of any concern to the UN?

Devastating civil war in Yemen: Is it of any concern to the UN? (Oct. 27, 2009)

The UN did it again!  Civil wars in non-oil producing Arab States are left to run its natural steam until the State is bankrupt and ready to be picked up at salvage price. The UN tends to get busy for years in collateral world problems when civil wars strike Arab States; occasionally, the UN demonstrates lukewarm attempts for a resolution in oil producing States as long as it is under control.  Lebanon experienced 17 years of civil war.  Morocco still has a civil war in south Sahara for three decades.  Sudan has been suffering of a rampant civil war for four decades.  Algeria is experiencing a resurgence of a devastating civil war that started in 1990 because Europe refused to accept a democratically elected Islamic majority in the parliament.  Iraq was totally neglected while Saddam Hussein was decimating the Chiaas and Kurds in Iraq for three decades, even after the US coalition forced the Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.  Somalia never got out of its miseries for four decades so far.  Mauritania is rope jumping from one military coup to another. The other Arab States are in constant low level civil wars overshadowed by dictators, one party, oligarchic, and monarchic regimes.

A week ago, a few trucks were allowed to cross Saudi borders carrying tents and necessary medicines to stem rampant diseases where hundred thousands of refugees huddle in refugee camps on the high plateau of North-West Yemen by the borders with Saudi Arabia that closed its borders and chased out any infiltration of refugees.

The most disheartening feeling is that you don’t see field reporting of this civil war by the western media.  The written accounts are from second hand sources and decades old. They abridge the problem by stating it is a tribal matter. They feel comfortable blaming Iran; then how this land locked region can be supplied by Iran needs to be clarified. The western media is easily convinced that Al Qaeda moved from Saudi Arabia and was ordered to infiltrate the Somali refugee camps in South Yemen; then how Al Qaeda got to be located in a region of North West Yemen with Chiaa Yazdi population is irrelevant.

The population of North West Yemen forms the third of the total and it is Yezdi Chiia that agrees to seven Imams and not 12 as in Iran; the Yazdi sect does not care that much about the coming of a “hidden” Mahdi to unite and save Islam.  The western media want you to believe that this war, which effectively started in 2004, is a succession problem to prevent the son of current President Abdallah Saleh from inheriting the power. Actually Saleh’s son is the head of the Presidential Guard which has been recently involved in the war after the regular army failed to bring a clear cut victory.

Yemen was a backward States even in the 60’s.  South Yemen had a Marxist regime backed by the Egyptian troops of Jamal Abdel Nasser against North Yemen ruled by an ancient Yazdi Imam; a hereditary regime labeled the “Royalists” and backed by Saudi Arabia. After the Soviet Union disintegrated Yemen unified in 1990.  Since then, South Yemen and North West Yemen were deprived of the central State financial and economic distribution of wealth.  President Saleh could present the image of a “progressist” leader as long as Yemen was out of the screen and nobody cared about this bankrupt State.

Yemen is on the verge of being divided into three separate autonomous States, the South, North West, and Sanaa the Capital.  The problems in the Horn of Africa have migrated its endemic instability into Yemen; refugees from Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Sudan have been flocking into the southern shores of Yemen for same climate.  Heavy influx of contraband products are keeping the people of these two regions precariously afloat. The deal between Hillary Clinton and Israel foreign affairs Levny to patrol the Indian Ocean was not just meant for Gaza but mainly to prepare President Saleh for his 2009 campaign against the rebels in North Yemen by monitoring contraband arms shipments to the “hawssy” rebel.

Saudi Arabia, during the duo power brokers of Prince Sultan and Neyef (respectively Ministers of Defense and the Interior) did their best to destabilize Yemen on account of fighting the spread of the Chiaa sect in the Arabic Peninsula. Yemen has no natural resources to count on and the population is addicted to “Qat” that they chew on at lunch time for hours.

Yemen was the most prosperous region in the Arabic Peninsula for millennia; land caravans started from Taez and then passed by Maareb from which town the caravans split to either Mecca (then to Aqaba and Syria) or took the direction to Persia and Iraq. All kinds of perfume, seasoning, and textile landed by sea from India and South East Asia; incense were produced from a special tree grown in Yemen and Hadramout. The British Empire didn’t care about this region; all that it wanted to secure were sea ports for commerce and to defend the entrances of the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea to Egypt.

The UN is inheriting the same lax attitude of the British Empire; as long as the US bases are secured in this region then the hell with the people. Qatar arranged for reconciliation in 2007 and Saudi Arabia interfered to fail it. Archaic tribes fighting one another wearing daggers as symbol of manhood are all that there is in Yemen.

U.S. Ranks Ninth Overall In Prosperity

Legatum Index: U.S. Ranks Ninth Overall In Prosperity

Updated: 10-27-09 06:17 PM

When it comes to prosperity, the United States has nothing on Scandinavia — or, at least, that’s the conclusion that a newly released ranking arrives at.

According to a report released by Legatum, a global investment firm, the U.S. is the ninth most prosperous nation in the world, trailing five Scandinavian countries which dominate the top rankings.

How did Legatum come to these conclusions? Well, their rankings define prosperity “as both wealth and well-being, and finds that the most prosperous nations in the world are not necessarily those that have only a high GDP, but are those that also have happy, healthy, and free citizens.” Legatum ranked countries in the categories of economic fundamentals, entrepreneurship and innovation, democratic institutions, education, health, safety and security, governance, personal freedom, and social capital. The scores were then averaged to find a nation’s overall ranking.

The United States’ ranking was weighed down by a relatively poor performance in Health, (with a ranking of 27th) and Governance (16th). According to Legatum’s data, two-thirds of the U.S. population thinks that the government is corrupt, and only 58% have faith in the judicial system; three-fifths think that local businesses are corrupt.

The category that the U.S. did place first in was Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Some 680,000 businesses were in started in America in 2007 due, in large part, to low barriers of entry for entrepreneurs looking to start companies. Apart from having a high number of personal computers per capita, the United States also has the world’s highest average internet bandwidth levels and high levels of secure internet servers per person.

Here are the top ten:

1. Finland
2. Switzerland
3. Sweden
4. Denmark
5. Norway
6. Australia
7. Canada
8. Netherlands
9. United States
10. New Zealand

To see the complete list, including the lowest-ranking countries, click

Read more at:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Studio delle Nazioni Unite: Human Development Report

La Norvegia ha i più alti standard di vita di tutti gli Stati membri delle Nazioni Unite.


1° posto: Norvegia

Secondo lo “Human Development Report”  delle Nazioni Unite, la Norvegia è, fra i paesi più sviluppati, quello in cui si vive meglio.   2° posto: Australia
Al secondo posto, l’Australia. I criteri determinanti non sono state belle spiagge e sole, ma tre elementi fondamentali: una vita lunga e sana, l’accesso alla conoscenza e uno standard di vita molto buono. 3° classificato: Islanda
L’ Isola del Nord Atlantico raggiunge il terzo posto per gli elevati standard di vita. C’è, però, da dire, che i dati per l’indagine risalgono al 2007, per cui la relazione non riflette ancora gli effetti della crisi economica globale, che hanno portato l’Islanda sull’orlo della bancarotta nazionale. Posizione 6: Paesi Bassi
I Paesi Bassi hanno scambiato il settimo posto con la Svezia e ora si trovano al sesto posto. 8° posizione: Francia
I francesi hanno fatto strada nella top ten, dopo aver precedentemente occupato l’undicesimo posto.   10° posto: Giappone
Il Giappone conserva tenacemente il suo decimo posto per una qualità di vita molto alta. Grazie al sistema sanitario, e probabilmente anche grazie al cibo, l’aspettativa di vita si aggira intorno a una media di 82,7 anni. Posizione 13: Stati Uniti
Per lo Human Development Report, gli Stati Uniti devono ritenersi soddisfatti di occupare la posizione numero 13. Per questa indagine sono stati utilizzati, tra l’altro, i dati sul reddito, istruzione e aspettative di vita. 14° posto: Austria
Un buon risultato quello raggiunto dall’Austria, salita di due posti, rispetto al passato, per il miglioramento dello stato delle Alpi. 15° posto: Spagna
Con questa posizione, invariata, la Spagna è ancora migliore di altri Paesi del sud Europa. 18° posto: Italia
L’Italia è solo diciottesima in classifica, ma è migliorata di una posizione.   Posto 21: Regno Unito
Gli inglesi non sono riusciti a migliorare la loro posizione, ma almeno non è peggiorata. 22° posto: Germania
Non è molto contenta la Germania di essere così bassa in classifica. Tuttavia, può consolarsi con il fatto che il suo standard di sviluppo è considerato “molto elevato”. Posizione 92: Cina
Su un totale di 182 Paesi, la Cina è novantaduesima, circa a metà. La Repubblica Popolare ha così rafforzato la sua posizione di sette posti. 182° posto: Nigeria
I risultati peggiori sono stati riscontrati in Sierra Leone, Afghanistan e Nigeria.
Il paese più povero, secondo la relazione, è la Repubblica Democratica del Congo, con un reddito medio annuo pro capite di 204 euro. La metà della popolazione dei 24 paesi più poveri non sa leggere. In Afghanistan, a causa delle devastazioni della guerra, l’aspettativa di vita è di 43,6 anni.

This Week: 10/25 to 10/31

Apparently the television universe has decided to be a huge bitch and take away a whole bunch of my shows until sometime in November. The good news is that this will give me some time to a) actually study for tests, b) go do real things with real people in the real world, and c) start making a dent on the growing pile of DVDs in front of my TV. But I’m still sort of bitter that there’s so little to look forward to this week.

9pm – Three Rivers on CBS

I’ve also got a work-in-progress post on this show to finish.

8pm – Heroes on NBC
8pm – So You Think You Can Dance on FOX
9pm – Trauma on NBC
9pm – Lie to Me on FOX
10pm – Castle on ABC

No new House this week. Which is maybe good, because I haven’t seen last week’s yet. Instead, the last non-competition episode of SYTYCD (finally!), with debut choreographed Top 20 performances…but I will still be watching Heroes anyway. And HALLOWEEN EPISODE “VAMPIRE WEEKEND” ON CASTLE – SO EXCITED!

8pm – So You Think You Can Dance on FOX

Actual competition begins at long last – and the first two dancers are eliminated by the end of the two-hour broadcast.


Nothing new is airing today.

8pm – FlashForward on ABC

10pm – White Collar on USA


Nothing new is airing today. But if it was, I wouldn’t watch it. Because even I have plans for Halloween – weird, huh?

Tame week. Lame week? Whatever you want to call it. Point is, not a whole lot going down. And that’ll be the case for a few weeks, until the shows on break start trickling back on air. Good news for next week though: V premiere. Definitely looking forward to that.

Plans for Melted Brain this week:

  • Hindsight: Life
  • Three Rivers analysis
  • Belated review of White Collar pilot
  • even more belated review of the most recent FlashForward
  • Hindsight: Battlestar Galactica
  • Hindsight: Angel
  • and all the “regularly” scheduled reviews…

Friday, October 23, 2009

NEW New Plan!

Okay, so where to begin…Almost exactly 1 year ago the economic crisis stole my life. I was living it up in Madrid with amazing friends, teaching English, tour guiding for Sandeman’s New Madrid and working as the Program’s Coordinator for Club Ivy, helping Spanish students apply to study abroad in English speaking countries. Life was good.

Me tour guiding it in Madrid!

And then boom – 24% unemployment in Spain and my jobs were gone. I said farewell to all my amazing Madrid amigos and set off in search of a new adventure.


At Estadio Santiago Bernabeau for a Real Madrid football match with Sebastian, Simon, Tanguy, Davide, and Luzie

Marisa and I celebrating Spain's EuroCup victory in the Bilbao fountain!

Tiki Tiki! Oleeeeeeeeee! Ernie, Paolo and Nabil on Halloween!!

Laura, Pablo, Arturo, me, Enrique, and Maria eating caramel apples for dessert after our delicious Thanksgiving feast!! yes, I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my friends in Spain. And yes, it was awesome

Me and Rachel!! Dinner party at Rachel's, complete with charades, magic tricks and singing

La Noche en Blanco!! Out with Nicoletta and Julian

Goodbye Party with friends in Madrid

So, I decided to go to Boston for a breather, find a job back in my home country. Boston was good in a lot of ways too – I reconnected with old friends, visited family, met many wonderful new friends…


Sara,me, Megan (roomie!), and Jackie

Lilly!! We've been BFF since birth

Told 'ya - friends from birth! Lilly and I as babies. I'm the adorably fat, bald lump on the floor

Elizabeth!! and me

Drea!!! Rachel, Parker and me Nerds. Oh yeah.


Wiley! My Other Roomie

University friends back in Providence! Rita, me and Camela at Viva!

Binta, Sonia, Maren and me - visiting my amazing cousins in Maine! Love you all!!

But after about 4 months it was bye-bye Boston. I lived between Amman and Palestine for a month, working with my Uncle, a documentary filmmaker for Al Jazeera English. And after that…I had no plan. Already in the Middle East, I made the spontaneous decision to visit family in Beirut and study Arabic for about a month.  But July came and went so quickly, and deliriously happy in Beirut, I was in no mood to leave.  I had enough saved up to hold me over for another month, so I found my fabulous L’Auberge Espagnole-esque apartment in Hamra, where I lived with 12 other amazing Lebanese and internationals, and continued Arabic classes. As the end of August drew near, and I began to scrape the bottom of my piggy bank, I was forced to decide – what next? Do I stay in Beirut, find a job and make a life here? Or do I go back to the States again? And if so, where?? Do I move to a different country?? Where??? What kind of jobs am I going to be applying for? What do I want to do with my life??? Why have I not already figured this out????? AHHHHHHHH!! Head exploding!!

Finally I decided – ‘Okay, I’ll stay in Beirut. Easier that way. Besides, I’m happy here.’ A lot of my friends here were interning with the Daily Star, the main English language newspaper in the region. So that put the idea into my head to try something journalism related. I love writing so it seems like a logical choice, no? I applied for jobs at both the Daily Star and the monthly travel magazine, Time Out Beirut.  Both offered me an internship, but Time Out Beirut offered the possibility of a paying job within a month or so. Time Out Beirut it is!!

And so it began. Every morning, I would pull my tired ass out of bed, glug some coffee and then sit back with my ipod for the 2 hour bus ride to Kaslik (which incidentily is only 25 minutes from Beirut, but takes a whopping 1 hour and a half longer to get to on the bus. oooogh. But the bus only costs me $1.75 so I’m not complaining. Well I guess I am, but I acknowledge that I shouldn’t. So there.

The job turned out to be worth it, though. And now,they’ve hired me full time!!!! So basically I get paid to enjoy and explore Beirut and the rest of Lebanon, and then write about it. Seriously, what could be better?? How is this my life???

So with a regular paycheck and a new apartment with Farah in Achrafiyeh (they tore down our old building to build a parking lot), I’m calling Beirut home for the time being. Such a bizarre feeling to know where home is again! From Madrid to Boston to Amman to Ramallah and now finally here – it took me almost a year after the economic crisis robbed me of my life in Spain but BOOM BABY! I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

Goldstone speaks, goes on the defensive

You would have been under a rock if you hadn’t noticed the veritable storm of controversy surrounding the Goldstone Report since its release. Justice Goldstone himself has not been under said rock, and he’s also noticed the fairly rhetorical manner in which his report is being attacked. His first and foremost challenge to critics: read the bloody thing! The man has a point, the Obama administration has denounced the report in strong words, and assisted Israel with its diplomatic offensive to have the report ignored. Most are assuming that the US will use its veto on the Security Council to make sure the report is not accepted (if Russia or China, both of which have come out in opposition to the report, don’t get there first, though admittedly Russia did back it in the UNHRC).

Lebanon’s Daily Star has a good round-up of the choice quotes from the al-Jazeera interview Justice Goldstone gave:

“I have yet to hear from the [Barack] Obama administration what the flaws in the report that they have identified are,” South African former international war crimes prosecutor Richard Goldstone told Al-Jazeera television.

“I would be happy to respond to them, if and when I know what they are,” added the jurist…

“I’ve no doubt, many of the critics – the overwhelming majority of critics – have not read the report,” he said, adding that the criticism had become personal. [Daily Star]

You can view the full interview here.

One other thing that struck me about the interview was Goldstone’s continued preambles of “As a Jew…”, it strikes me because it gives an idea of how deeply personal the attacks have been. I’m sure Justice Goldstone and his family have suffered a great deal in these past few weeks, what with their commitment to Israel and Jewishness questioned, as well as their very humanity and ethnic identity denied. I think the criticism from some members of the Zionist lobby has been a fairly nasty piece of work indeed.

Goldstone also wrote a piece that appeared in Jerusalem Post and Guardian’s comment-is-free, in it we have the same entreatments to read the report rather than go into personal attacks, also an interesting bit of rebuttal from him regarding the dismissal of the UNHRC’s recommendation to have the report looked at on the basis that its members have questionable human rights records themselves:

Israel and its courts have always recognised that they are bound by norms of international law that it has formally ratified or that have become binding as customary international law upon all nations. The fact that the United Nations and too many members of the international community have unfairly singled out Israel for condemnation and failed to investigate horrible human rights violations in other countries cannot make Israel immune from the very standards it has accepted as binding upon it.

Indeed, the Human Rights record of its members should not be used to mask the question at hand, if Israel committed war crimes in Gaza then it should be properly investigated and brought to justice for doing so. Questioning the human rights records of members such as Angola, Nigeria and Egypt as a reason to have the Council’s recommendation ignored does more to harm Israel’s reputation. Israel, claiming to be a bastion of democracy and law, should be striving to exceed such expectations, not compare itself to countries with Human Rights records severely blighted already.

All-in-all I find Goldstone’s defense to be adequate, well-reasoned and somewhat alarming. It is not too much to ask that if the report be criticised, then it should be properly read and the sections of the report with which issue is taken to be pointed out. Stonewalling it without even addressing it is not a constructive thing to do.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Group Alfa and it's barling (once again)

21.10.2009- month ago some gay Aleksey Smirnov from Boris Gromov’s family which in 1980 blackmailing my own father started the war in Afghanistan, that gay was beaten me and till now alive-and 21. 10. 2009 I hear” look at your own hairs”- and taking my own hairs in my hands at the childs playgrounds I once again saw that my own hairs became shorter on the next 10 sm. From under’s hairs. Understand? All my way from the home to that playground as the buses and appartments are completed by the cams. Who so became bald that decided to start the pursuition for my own head and own hair. Who can do it without vision? Who can to take scalp from them for that? Who can and must to kill that prostitute’s, maids, gay’s and there’s freaks from there’s mad house ? Look the beginning – “Group Alfa and it’s barking”.

A change of pace, or is that a change of race?

Microsoft has fielded a storm of criticism in recent days regarding the doctoring of a photo on their website.  In a somewhat unusual turn of events, Microsoft has actively changed the race of one of the men in a corporate photograph on their website encouraging businesses to “empower your people with the IT tools they need”. 

In the US version, the photo features two men – one black and one Asian – and a woman sitting at the boardroom table.  However, on Microsoft’s Polish website, the face of the black man has been replaced by a white man.


Microsoft has now acknowledged they have made an error and have officially apologised saying “we are looking into the details and are in the process of pulling down the image”.  One of the early reports of this story appeared on Fox News, although many of the local online news outlets, including SMH picked up the story via AP two days later.

Where my interest was piqued was how this came to the attention of the newsroom in the first place?  US consumers appear to be very sensitive to race issues like this (you only need to look as far as the recent strops by Harry Connick Jnr – but more on this later), more so than we are here in Australia.

So, newsworthy?  Well, yes, it does tick a few boxes when considering those ‘news values’ items.  However, I think this carries more weight in the public sphere simply because of the professional embarrassment factor for Microsoft.  What are your thoughts?

Monday, October 19, 2009

European visitors to Hawaii remain strong

Hawaii Tourism Authority reports on travel to Hawaii Monday, October 12, 2009 Source: Travel Daily News Europeans travelling to Hawaii have bucked the current travel trends. Despite a worsening economic climate in 2008, Europeans visiting Hawaii rose significantly compared to 2007. Total overall arrivals by air to Hawaii in 2008 dropped by 10.4% from the previous year to just over 6.7 million whilst European air arrivals saw a 6.6% increase on 2007, equating to 115,000 visitors, 47% of which were from the UK.

Hawaii continues to attract new European visitors to its shores, the majority being first-timers (70%). Furthermore, Europeans holidaying in Hawaii are spending more money and staying longer. Total expenditure by European visitors increased by 7.4% to $248.9 million, with the average length of stay rising to 12.8 days (compared to 12.3 in 2007), which contributed to an 11.1% growth in European visitor days.

Hawaii continues to be a strong draw for Europeans looking for the ultimate romantic destination with honeymooners being one of the largest single groups to the islands. 11,980 European visitors were on honeymoon in Hawaii during 2008, a significantly higher proportion of its overall visitors compared to any other market. Oahu is still the island of choice with 72% of all European visitors opting for the capital island, followed by Maui with 36%.

From an international perspective, in 2009 Hawaii has welcomed over 3.8 million total visitors at the end of July with visitors in July alone up 1.5% from the same time last year. Oahu still remains the most visited island although the Big Island has seen the largest percentage increase in visitors, with international visitors up 51% in July.

With 2009 presenting further challenges to international travel, Hawaii Tourism Europe, as part of its Strategic Plan to 2015, is working to promote Hawaii as a unique, memorable and enriching visitor experience which values and perpetuates Hawaii’s natural and cultural resources. Such activity will assist in attracting further high spend European visitors to Hawaii in 2009.

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Google Didn't Scrub Hard Enough...

Obama from Kenya, archived report says
Revives worry about president’s eligibility for office

The report starts out, “Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack (sic) Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.”

Click for larger version

The report continues to discuss the allegations against Ryan, Obama’s opponent in his race for the U.S. Senate, and his decision to drop out, virtually handing the Senate seat to the political newcomer.

The article is credited to the wire service Associated Press at the bottom of the page. However, the article could not be found either in the AP archives available to the public online or the archive on the newspaper’s website. WND telephone calls and e-mails to the newspaper did not generate a response.

At the Post & Email blog, writer John Charlton offered several explanations, including the suggestion references to Obama’s birth have been scrubbed.

He wrote that a search of Google for the issue produced unusual results.

“When you attempt to search for ‘Kenyan-born Obama’; results are missing; years prior to 2004 seem scrubbed; and when you click a link to an article in 2000, you get an article in 2004.

“Deliberate sabotage of their own news archive?” he wondered.

He said searching Google for the reference words “Kenyan-born U.S. Senator Obama hopeful…” came up with a 1981 New York times reference, but Obama is not in the article.

“There is no mention of Obama from 1981 to 2000; despite all his ‘work with the poor’ in Chicago,” Charlton continued.

The June 27, 2004, article from the Standard doesn’t appear.

A further link to PBS leads to a story about Obama’s Senate victory, another to USA Today talks about Obama’s father being Kenyan-born and another from 2004 does the same.

“Then, you would not believe it; but all the newspapers in the world, during the period from Jan. 1, 2005 to April 12, 2006, don’t make one mention of Obama! Not even one,” he said.

The bottom line, however, Charlton wrote, should not be what published reports have said, but what proof Obama can provide.

“If Obama cannot show documents which prove he is born in the USA; the mere fact that he has claimed to be born overseas and in the U.S.A.; first at one hospital in Hawaii and then at another; means that nothing he says in court, and no document presented by his campaign could be taken as prima facie evidence of anything.”

Obama – Kenyan Born East African Standard June 27, 2004 Article

Obama is Kenyan Born Declared in June 27th, 2004 East African Newspaper, the Sunday Standard. Video dated July 9th, 2009.

Click for larger version

Thanks to the good folks at Count Us Out for the image & these links:

US Presidential Polls:Obama, McCain slug it out today

Americans will today go to the polls to elect their next President with Democratic Party candidate, Senator Barack Obama largely favoured to win.

The Kenyan-born Senator will, however, face a stiff competition from his Republican counterpart, John McCain who has taken the presidential battle to the finishing line with vigorous campaign strategies.

Click for larger version
*This screencap was taken by me, but feel free to use it if you want.

Obama, Mc Cain: Who would be America’s choice?
Article: Newspage Weekly

Barak Obama is a politician who grew up with differing ideas probably due to his background. Someone who believes in the ability to unite people around a politics of purposes, the Illinois Senator has been known for working with both Democrats and Republicans to help working families get ahead of creating programs like the state earned income tax credit. In three years, the said project provided over $100 million in tax cuts to families across the state. The Kenya-born Senator, who is being considered by some of his admirers as the “New Kennedy” also pushed through an expansion of early childhood education. In another development, after a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, he worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital offence cases.

Click for larger version
*This screencap was taken by me, but feel free to use it if you want.

Friday, October 16, 2009

(From Kazakhstan) - E se il Nobel portasse sfiga?

E’ quanto in pratica si domanda un mio collega kazako, riferendosi al recente conferimento del premio al Presidente statunitense, chiedendomi : ” Ti ricordi che anche Gorbaciov, nel 1990, vinse il Nobel per la Pace? “.
Annuisco piuttosto distrattamente, mentre continuo ad inserire dati, e altrettanto distrattamente gli rispondo “E quindi?”

“Beh, un anno dopo c’e’ stato il collasso dell’U.R.S.S. …chissa’ che succede nel 2010 in America “ mi risponde divertito.
Al che, mentre cerco di ricordarmi di qualche eventuale profezia Maya che parlasse del disfacimento statunitense, gli chiedo conto del loro grande presidente, Nursultan Nazarbaev, e del perche’ nessuno lo abbia ancora proposto per alcun Nobel (si, lo so, a volte sono un po’ saccente e stronzetto, dicono alcuni).

Il collega allarga le braccia, mi sorride e fa : ” Caro Simo, non ne ha bisogno. Tra Petrolio, Uranio, Alluminio, ha gia’ tutto. A momenti ha piu’ soldi lui che Bill Gates.  Se proprio vorra’ un Nobel, magari se lo comprera’ “.

Ecco, alleluja. Viva l’Italia….ehm… no, cioe’…

Viva il Kazakhstan!

Thank You "Gringos!!!"

Honduran fans in an absolutely frenzy

In case you don’t know. The United States qualified for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa by defeating Honduras on their turf 3-2 Saturday night. The U.S. came up with an equalizing goal in the 94th minute last night versus Costa Rica to tie the game and insure Honduras a place in the World Cup for the first time in 28 years. Needless to say, Honduras is very thankful to Jonathan Borstein (the US goal scorer) and the US for helping them get through. Please pardon my literal translation of the Honduran quotes from Spanish to English.

The president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, announced last night that today there will be a national holiday and thanked the “gringos” for providing “a visa for the World” to the selection of his country, although he has been removed from the country the last few months because of political pressure.

“Tomorrow (today), a holiday for everyone,” Micheletti proclaimed at a news conference in Tegucigalpa, which praised striker Carlos Pavon for “that goal by head,” which was scored against El Salvador to give the 1-0 triumph for Honduras in San Salvador.

This victory combined with the 2-2 draw between the U.S. and Costa Rica, a tying goal made by American Jonathan Bornstein, gave the South Africa 2010 World Cup ticket to Honduras.

Jonathan Bornstein & Robby Rogers Celebrate

“We are thrilled, grateful to God, to our players, our selection, with the coach wheels, with the fans who traveled to El Salvador, with everyone, and the ‘gringos’, which took away the visa (the staff) but we got the visa for the World Cup, “said Micheletti.

The president added, jokingly: “We will bring that little gringo (Bornstein) who scored that goal head, without a visa to come here to Honduras, we’re going to congratulate”.

“So with everyone happy, we are global, the second time in the democratic life of this country (since 1982) we achieved that goal so beautiful,” said Micheletti. ”This is an example of desire, of love, which showed the boys on the field,” he added.

THANKS Jonathan Borstein, the man who headed the 2-2 draw with Costa Rica and gave us our second World Cup qualifying, is of Jewish descent and Mexican. Once he told ESPN in an interview that “I have experienced both cultures, sometimes I have belonged to that country. But what has not been noticed is that yesterday I Borstein catracho nationalized. 24 years old, was born in Torrance, California, a November 7, 1984. The whole country celebrated his goal! Carlos Pavon, the Honduran goal scorer said, “8 million Hondurans rose when he rose and nodded. He has no idea of what he did for our country Borstein.” ”We’ll invite Bornstein to Honduras and give him a paid vacation in the Bay Islands,” he said on national television yesterday, the president of Honduras Roberto Michelleti. In 2006 he began training as a professional player. He was picked in the SuperDraft to Chivas. He was a striker in college, but developed into the left back for Chivas under Bob Bradley. On June 3, scored his first goal against FC Dallas, the team where he played the Honduran Ramon Nunez. That same year he was named rookie of the year, a winner.

IN U.S. SOCCER: His first appearance and goal with the U.S. Soccer Team was on January 20, 2007 against Denmark. Since then one of the people of Bradley, who was also in his debut as coach of USA. He premiered in qualifying against Guatemala and was part of the historic victory over Spain in the Confederations Cup.

Well, the truth is that this story is interesting because it made 8 million people in Honduras happy since the 94th minute score tied the game 2-2 yesterday. At the 94th minute, the US gave Honduras the World Cup.

Borstein w/ the Colors

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pay Attention America !! Dollar Drowning Fast!!

This truth-hound was barking warnings more than a year ago that the decisions made meant the inevitable end of the Dollar as we know it.

Well it’s happening right now, .. fatally wounded the US Dollar has started it’s giant slide into oblivion..

Larry Edelson writes

Make no mistake about it.

The developments over the last three weeks affecting the U.S. dollar — which continues to sink in value — are the most critical financial developments of your lifetime.

The U.S. dollar has now entered the final days of its reign as the world’s reserve currency.

1. Behind closed doors, the G-20 countries have now taken control of the world’s economic caretaking. It is no longer the G-3 nations that are in charge … or even the G-7 nations. The G-20 is in charge.

Put another way, the U.S. is now being forced to placate our largest creditors in an international forum, where it is now just one of 20 countries in charge of the world’s economic affairs. And it is the largest debtor of the group, by far.

2. Behind closed doors, the Arab Gulf States have also been meeting with Russia, Japan and China to replace the dollar for pricing oil. Make no mistake about this: The world as you know it is changing.

3. And yet, in the open, in public, Washington isn’t making one single comment about these developments. Not one peep. Not even trying to jawbone the dollar higher.

Why? Because, whether our leaders admit to it or not, their top priority is clearly to let the U.S. dollar fall in value, even if it ultimately means that it will be replaced by a new world reserve currency.

Even if it ultimately means your cost of living is going to skyrocket, and everything you ever knew about the world is turned upside down.

Their hidden rationale: To inflate away the mountains of debts in this country, by artificially raising asset prices via devaluing the currency in which most of the world’s major assets are denominated.
Whether our leaders admit it or not, their top priority is to let the value of the U.S. dollar fall.

Don’t get me wrong. It is a sad state of affairs the U.S. finds itself in: The massive financial crisis, Washington’s gargantuan $125 trillion in debt, the real estate crisis, and ultimately, the end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

But there’s nothing you or I can do about it, except protect our wealth and seek out the profits we can reap as well.

That’s why, back in April of this year in a Money and Markets column I wrote, I said unequivocally that real money — gold — was the only win-win investment I knew of.

Now, is it any surprise then that gold has busted through to new record highs?

Is it any surprise that gold mining shares are taking off to the upside, soaring as much as 8 percent in a single day last week?

Is it any surprise that other tangible asset markets are also starting to rally sharply again — oil, copper, platinum, palladium, and silver?

Or that even agricultural commodities look like they are bottoming and appear poised for significant rallies?

I don’t think so. It’s hardly surprising at all. For when paper currencies are devalued, savvy investors turn to natural resources and tangible assets to protect their money.

Natural resources, including gold, are starting to rally sharply again.

My view: If you’re not seeking out shelter from the falling dollar by investing in gold and other natural resources, your wealth is going to be confiscated from you on the sly by Washington.

That means it’s mandatory that now, more than ever before, you take the following steps …

First, with the next phase down in the dollar starting, continue to steer clear of all U.S. Treasury notes and bonds. Not only is the yield still meager, but with the dollar set to lose much more purchasing power in the months and years ahead, Treasury notes and bonds are a losing proposition. Period.

Also continue to steer clear of foreign sovereign notes and bonds. They too, while maybe more attractive in yield, will likely suffer as the world goes through a massive change in the currency markets, the result of the dollar’s eventual replacement as the world’s reserve currency.
Second, and very importantly:  GOLD

He cant make it any clearer to you, if you still want to waste your time arguing about trivial daily nonsense, Health Care systems that will fail as you go bankrupt anyway, that kind of thing, well then you can’t be helped.

Healthcare bill backed by Senate committee

By Anna Fifield and Edward Luce in Washington

Max Baucus, the committee’s Democratic chairman, had attempted to draft a bipartisan bill, taking into account Republican concerns about medical malpractice laws and fiscal conservatives’ objections to a public insurance option. His plan would prohibit companies from excluding people from coverage based on preexisting conditions from 2013; create state-based exchanges for individuals and small businesses to shop for insurance; and set up a basic plan for young adults. Yesterday’s vote will also be taken as a rebuke to the health insurance industry, which published a last-minute report on Monday claiming that premiums would rise much faster under the proposed reforms than they would otherwise. Far from undermining conservative Democrats, the report, released by America’s Health Insurance Plans, the main industry lobby group, appears to have hardened resolve in favour of reform. “Americans are looking for common-sense solutions,” Mr Baucus said as the committee prepared to vote. But Republicans continued to attack the plan yesterday. Charles Grassley, the top Republican on the committee, said it would put the US on a “slippery slope to more and more government control of healthcare”.

Monday, October 12, 2009

dictatorwatch:This article was prepared for a seminar of the Asia Democracy Alliance in Washington, D.C., which Dictator Watch co-sponsored, in the Rayburn House of Representatives office building. It analyzes the relations of Burma with both China a

By Roland Watson
October 8, 2009

Pertinent history

There was a military coup in Burma in 1962, by General Ne Win. There is suspicion that the CIA was involved in the coup, and also the British, Israeli and French secret services.

United Sates regional policy for East Asia at that time was dominated by the goal of containing the Chinese communists. Ne Win was viewed as a good ally in this effort.

Shortly after the coup, in 1963-64, the U.S. provided radar stations to Ne Win. Following widespread anti-Chinese riots in Burma in 1967, the U.S. sent surface to air missiles and artilleries, including 105 mm howitzers, 75 mm recoilless rifles, 106 mm recoilless rifles, etc. All of this was meant for defense, in case of an attack on Burma by China.

Burma Army officers received training in the U.K. and the U.S. The U.K and Israel also reportedly trained BA intelligence personnel.

Declassified State Dept. cables from the period show that the U.S. quickly developed a positive relationship with Ne Win. As early as 1965, he offered to host negotiations between the U.S. and Vietnam in Rangoon. He also provided regular advice to the U.S. about the region including in 1966 that it should not withdraw from Vietnam, and on the nature of China’s communist leaders. For the Chinese, he commented on their “extreme narrow-mindedness and parochialism.”

Ne Win was invited to the U.S. by President Johnson, and visited the White House in 1966. He later bought houses in the U.K., Germany and Switzerland.

One U.S. appraisal of China at the time comes from a 1965 cable about the China Reporting Program, which was a secret effort to counter Chinese propaganda:

“The growth of Chinese Communist influence and capacity for subversion confronts us throughout the less developed areas of the world. With over three decades of pragmatic experience in psychological warfare and without the restraints imposed by generally accepted norms of international conduct, the Chinese communists have made impressive psychological gains in those areas. Their output is great in volume and professional in form.”

In the 1960s, the United States actively opposed Chinese propaganda. It no longer does so. And, the Communist Party of China (CCP) has now had an additional forty-five years to increase and strengthen its program, which is nothing less than the largest and most sophisticated propaganda and censorship machine in human history.

Another significant factor is that after their defeat by the communists in 1949, some 15,000 Chinese Nationalist troops (Kuomintang – KMT) took refuge in the Laos – Burma border areas. The U.S. supported evacuations of these troops to Taipei, but some 5,000 irregulars remained, and which Taipei continued to assist. This residual Nationalist force on China’s southwest flank was an irritant to the CCP. The KMT also had a plan, although it was not implemented, to attack China in Yunnan and ally with the ethnic minorities there after the Korean War broke out.

Many groups inside Burma were opposed to Ne Win, such as the students (the ABFSU – All Burma Federation of Student Unions). Another significant opponent was the Communist Party of Burma (BCP), which was initially formed in the late 1930s to fight the British (when Burma was still a colony of the U.K.). Following the 1962 coup, and superficial negotiations the following year between Ne Win and the BCP, significant conflict broke out between them. This civil war continued for decades, and with China providing substantial support to the BCP starting after the 1967 riots. The BCP became the most important regional ally of the CCP. The U.S. continued to support Ne Win through the Reagan years, under the cover of its anti-narcotics program. For example, two Bell helicopters for drug interdiction were shot down in 1984 by the Karen National Union (KNU), which was not involved in drugs. The Karen protested to the U.S., but got no reply.

U.S. allies also supplied arms to the regime. Germany built a factory to make G-2 and G-3 assault rifles, G-4 light machine guns, MG-42 general-purpose machine guns, MA-10 rocket launchers, and BA-103 rocket launchers. Switzerland sold PC-6 and PC-7 aircraft, and which were later used in a 1988 attack on the Karen headquarters at Manerplaw.

To summarize this history, one can say that prior to the popular uprising in Burma in 1988, the U.S. supported Ne Win’s junta and China opposed it. This changed with the West ending its support following the 8888 massacre.

China also dropped its support of the BCP at this time, leading to the Party’s collapse. This change actually developed out of the secret deal reached during Nixon’s 1972 visit to Beijing: that China would not support regional communist parties if the U.S. would refrain from again becoming involved in conflict in S.E. Asia. Thai and Malay communist parties also lost CCP support. (One wonders if this agreement is still active.)

Some of the ethnic armies in the northeast of Burma, notably the Wa (United Wa State Army – UWSA) and Kokang (Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army – MNDAA), were built on the remnants of the BCP, and have had good relations with China since that time. They were among the many ethnic armies, particularly in Shan State, that signed ceasefire agreements with Burma’s junta in the late 1980s and early 1990s, reportedly following prodding from China. These ceasefires split the Burma ethnic armed resistance, and was a successful use by the regime, with CCP assistance, of the tactic of divide and conquer. The CCP has been pursuing a buffer policy with Burma through these ceasefire groups ever since.

China’s interests with Burma

China has strategic and economic interests with Burma.

The first strategic interest is that the CCP does not want Burma to become democratic. Such an event would inflame the democratic aspirations of the Chinese, and also give hope to the Tibetans, East Turkestanis and Southern Mongolians. The CCP will basically give the military regime of Burma whatever it wants, to ensure that this does not happen.

China also uses Burma in its strategic positioning with India, with which it has both military and economic competition. There are additionally three specific disputes: over the Aksai Chin area of Kashmir, which China took in the Sino-Indian war in 1962; Arunachal Pradesh (which China refers to as Southern Tibet); and the fact that the Dalai Lama uses India as his base.

China has built an Indian Ocean deep-water port at Kyaukpyu on Burma’s southwest coast, and it has an electronic intelligence operation directed at the Indian military on Great Coco Island.

China’s economic interests for Burma are focused predominantly on the supply of energy and other natural resources. In November 2008, China signed a deal to build two pipelines across Burma. The first, from Yunnan (Kumming) to Kyaukpyu, is for oil and will open a new, shorter route for Middle East and African supplies. (It avoids the Malacca Strait.) The second, from Yunnan to Burma’s gas fields, is for natural gas. Construction on the pipelines was supposed to have started in September, and is to be completed by 2013.

China is also the principal partner in two new dams on the Salween River in Eastern Burma, one in Karen State and the other in Shan State. It is providing 50% of the funding for the Karen State dam (Hat Gyi), for which technical surveying has been completed.

China further is pursuing large mining ventures in Burma, including operating a nickel mine, being the sole customer for the output of a tungsten mine, etc. China is also the driving force behind the deforestation in Burma’s northern forests, and the exploitation of Burmese jade and other gems.

In summary, to satisfy its strategic and economic interests, China has changed its Burma policy since 1988 and become the regime’s principal ally.

What the SPDC gets

The current military junta in Burma, the State Peace and Development Council, receives general diplomatic support from the CCP, in the form of regular statements that Burma’s problems are internal and that the world shouldn’t interfere. This is then backed up by a veto against – or other types of maneuvering to avoid – all prospective United Nations Security Council action on the country.

The SPDC is already receiving large sums from the sale of its resources to China. When the new pipelines are brought on stream, this will jump to billions of dollars each year.

China has also provided large-scale funding for infrastructure in Burma, notably roads and bridges and now dams and pipelines, together with a related supply of Chinese engineers.

China provides extensive military equipment and assistance, including trucks, jets, and ships; heavy weapons such as 130 mm artillery and 120 mm mortars; light arms, although these are often of substandard quality; and training.

It is now public knowledge that Burma is pursuing a nuclear program, with North Korean and Russian assistance. (Dictator Watch prepared a comprehensive investigation of this program, with the first of many articles published in November 2006.) While China is not believed to be directly involved in the proliferation, it has encouraged the SPDC to acquire nuclear weapons, and the relationship of the regime with North Korea could not proceed without CCP approval. There have also been reports that North Korean nuclear technology is now being transported overland to Burma through China (following shipment blockades – by the U.S. – by air and at sea).

Recent developments with China

The SPDC in August betrayed one of its ceasefire agreements and attacked the Chinese-ethnicity Kokang (MNDAA). The Kokang have been driven from their territory, even though they have lived in the area since Burma’s feudal days. Some 37,000 refugees fled to China. An unknown number have returned. Thousands of Kokang troops surrendered in China to the PLA.

It has been reported (by the Kachin News Group) that the Burma Army used chemical weapons on the Kokang. The victims – Kokang fighters – said that gas was released when a mortar shell exploded. Their symptoms included bleeding eyes, nose and ears, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. Military sources report that shells with distinctive yellow, red and green markings have been transported to Burma Army camps in eastern Shan State, and that the shells are from North Korea.

There has further been a pattern in recent years of massive Chinese migration into northern Burma. In last month, though, the SPDC ordered 10,000 Chinese business people in the border areas to leave. (This has been disputed by China.)

There is now great concern that the Burma Army will attack the larger and stronger ceasefire groups in north and northeast Burma, including the Kachin (Kachin Independence Army – KIA) and Wa, who have refused orders from the SPDC to transform into border militias under Burma Army command. New conflict is considered possible at any time, and these groups are on high alert. The Kachin and Wa have been recruiting and training soldiers in recent months, and are prepared to fight, but they reportedly won’t act first under orders from China. The Wa actually began to move to defend the Kokang, with whom they have a mutual defense pact, but then did not. (Some reports said that about 1,500 UWSA troops went to the Kokang area and began fighting, but that the MNDAA collapsed too quickly.)

This pact is known as the MPDF, or Myanmar Peace and Democracy Front. It includes the KIA, UWSA, MNDAA, and the NDAA – National Democratic Alliance Army – Eastern Shan State, which is also known as the Mongla.

China is now building a series of refugee camps across from the Kachin and Wa areas.

In summary, it appears that the SPDC has become hostile to China’s ethnic allies. The plan of the junta leader, Than Shwe, is clearly to consolidate his rule over as much of Burma as possible, before his advancing age forces him to relinquish control. He no longer wants the ceasefire groups to have de-facto independence.

Perhaps more importantly, these groups are debating participating in the SPDC’s upcoming 2010 general election, which is a pivotal part of Than Shwe’s plan. This election will be based on Burma’s 2008 Constitution, which was passed in a fraudulent referendum and which will give the military a monopoly on power and that will be impossible to change.

Than Shwe needs popular legitimacy for the vote, to support his allies around the world when they argue that the election should not be rejected out of hand. These allies include U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Japan, Singapore, the E.U., and in the U.S academic David Steinberg, Senator Jim Webb, and, most worryingly, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Having the ceasefire groups participate in the election is much more important than their reorganizing as a border guard. Than Shwe’s position is that they must agree to vote, or face the ultimate penalty.

Interestingly, the CCP appears ready to accept the SPDC’s attacks against its allies (as signaled by its role disarming the Kokang, the building of the new refugee camps, etc.). The reason for this is that if the junta can extend its control over all of Burma, this will make it even stronger and hence more difficult for Burma’s pro-democracy movement to overcome. China’s first strategic interest with Burma will be enhanced, which seemingly, at least to Beijing, is worth the betrayal of the Kokang, Wa and Kachin. (Note: there may well be disputes within the CCP, between Yunnan officials who are upset at these events and the Politburo back in Beijing.)

Of course, there are no guarantees that military action against the Wa and Kachin will be successful. For this reason, even with all the bluster, conflict on a widespread scale is unlikely. If the Burma Army does attack, and suffers high casualties, this would deepen fault-lines that are already known to exist. A coup against Than Shwe would become much more likely.

Recent developments with the U.S.

There has been serious fallout from the long-debated and now finally announced U.S. policy shift to engagement with the SPDC. Most importantly, Than Shwe has been emboldened. The engagement policy is all carrot and no stick, and there has been no punishment for his many misdeeds: the renewed imprisonment of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi; attacks against the Kokang and also the Karen (and for the former with chemical weapons); a renewed pattern by the Burma Army of using rape as a weapon of war; and other such heinous acts. Engagement with the SPDC is therefore an odd policy: Than Shwe and his fellow generals are ruthless fascist/Nazi-like extremists, with whom negotiations have been and almost certainly will continue to be a complete waste of time.

The SPDC realized, when the review was announced at the beginning of the year, that American policy had actually already changed. For example, there was no longer a threat that the U.S. would assist Thai border-based resistance groups such as the KNU, Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), and Shan State Army – South (SSA-South). (While the Bush Administration had not provided such help, this possibility couldn’t be ruled out.) This precipitated the unusual rainy season offensive against the Karen, and it has also freed up troops for operations in Shan State. The policy weakening was further likely a factor in the harsh treatment of Daw Suu.

Of even more concern, though, is that there are now credible reports of a new assassination plot by the SPDC. There is word that Than Shwe has ordered the execution of the leaders of any ceasefire groups that refuse to become border militias or support the 2010 election; of leaders of non-ceasefire armed resistance groups; and of other pro-democracy leaders who oppose the election. While this might be psychological warfare, it cannot be dismissed as an empty threat. The junta assassinated Padoh Mahn Sha, the General Secretary of the KNU, in February 2008. Than Shwe now appears intent on systematically eliminating all opposition.

It is conceivable that U.S. engagement motivated this, and that it will result in a wave of assassinations. Kurt Campbell, the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific, should have confronted the SPDC about this when he met its officials last week at the United Nations.

The U.S. must correct its flawed diplomatic signals. Further, the Administration must refrain from strong-arming Daw Suu and the National League for Democracy to relent over sanctions and to participate in the upcoming election. Indeed, the U.S. policy shift has so unsettled the Burma pro-democracy movement that the following questions can legitimately be asked. Should the monks and the students abandon their hopes of organizing a new popular uprising? Should the KNU and the other ethnic groups stop defending their people? Should everyone just wait to be saved by America?

The preferred U.S. policy for Burma is as follows: Oppose the 2010 election; organize an international arms embargo; instigate a crimes against humanity investigation; provide cross-border IDP aid; sanction Chevron; support the pro-democracy armed resistance; and, lastly, release the long-delayed JADE Act Section 10 report on Military and Intelligence Aid to Burma (which would confirm the nuclear threat).


Before 1988, the United States supported Burma’s military rulers, and China opposed them. These positions then reversed following 8888. But, it now appears that the U.S. is changing sides again, and joining China in supporting the SPDC.

This shift to engagement is also evident for U.S. policy towards China (where containment has been publicly renounced). Prior administrations would mention the terrible state of human rights in China, and send important signals of their support for democracy by meeting such individuals as the Dalai Lama. It unfortunately if not amazingly now appears to be the case that there is no room for the promotion of democracy in President Obama’s foreign policy.

What this implies is that freedom for the people of Burma has become even more remote. They truly are on their own. Moreover, freedom for Burma will likely require freedom for China first. (This is analogous to how freedom for East Timor required freedom for Indonesia first.) It is extremely difficult, though, to envision how this might happen now that the U.S. has also dropped freedom and human rights from its China agenda.

The only positive possibility is that President Obama is simply drawing a clear line between himself and former President Bush; that he expects engagement will fail (including with Iran and North Korea); and that when it does he will announce, “we tried,” and then move on to stronger measures and with multilateral support. However, while this might make sense (Obama’s no fool – he understands that there is no real hope for engagement), and while it would constitute an ingenious chess move on the world stage, he shouldn’t forget that the longer he delays strengthening American policy, the more people will die as tyrants take advantage of its present weakness.
dictatorwatch org.


Igår var första gången jag besökte NYC (New York City) . Denna gång enbart stadsdelen Manhattan.

Tidigt lördag morgon åkte jag och Christian (en tysk intern på Siemens som bor i samma hus som mig sedans i fredags) mot New York, i hans pickup. Vi valde att ta bilen för att han hade lovit att plocka upp en ny intern på kvällen, vid Newarks flygplats.

Väl på plats i New York så kunde jag efter ett tag komma i kontakt med en svensk vän (vid namn Andreas) som studerar samma program som jag i Norrköping och gör sitt examensarbete på Hayden Planetariumet i NYC. Vi valde först att kolla in var han bodde, vilket jag tidigare hört rykten om ska vara lite utanför denna värld…

Iaf, han hyr ett rum hos en svensk äldre kvinna i New York som har en lägenhet längst upp på ett höghus med utsikt över Central Park. Titta på dessa bilder för att få en liten smakbit av utsikten från taket.

Sedan gick vi in i Central Park ett tag, och mest bara gick runt och tittade på folk och omgivningar. Är ju ingen liten park så tog ett tag, utan för dens skull ha sett ens halva parken.

Var sedan en hel dag av mest gång, gång och insamling av intryck från byggnader, folk och hela atmosfären av New York.
Vi rörde oss främst söder om Central Park samt något västerut. Nedan syns lite bilder från lite mer kända platser:

Vi var faktiskt inne i Empire State Building men valde att inte åka upp. Kostade nämligen 20 dollar + 90 min väntetid, eller 40 dollar + 0 min väntetid, vilket vi tyckte var så fånigt att vi struntade i hela turistjippot.
Dagen slutade i stort sätt på Times Square, där mycket folk hade samlats, vilket säkert är typiskt för en lördagskväll. En mycket trevligt första intryck av New York. Central Park var absolut bäst med sina stor omgivningar och inte alls packat med folk samt en stor avslampnad känsla över hela parken.

Såg lite saker som var lite roliga att se. Nedan visas några exempel:

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wäre ich...

…Willy Brandt, würde ich mich jetzt einmal mehr im Grab umdrehen.

…Nelson Mandela, würde ich meinen Friedensnobelpreis zurückgeben.

Bisweilen schwer nachvollziehbare Entscheidungen ist man aus Norwegen durchaus gewohnt. Aber dieses Mal war offenbar ein ordentliches Faß Whiskey (in diesem Fall mit e) im Spiel. Oder auch nur eine Flasche, der Norweger als solcher ist ja meist nicht sonderlich trinkfest. Die Begründung hingegen, warum es nun Obama sin Laden sein mußte, findet man allerdings nicht mal im Vollrausch wirklich lustig:

für seine außergewöhnlichen Bemühungen, die internationale Diplomatie und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Völkern zu stärken

Wenn jemand, der sich mit dem hochtrabend versprochenen Dichtmachen nichtrechtsstaatlicher Schutzhaftgefängnisse auf Kuba ordentlich Zeit läßt, anderswo eher noch das Gegenteil tut und ansonsten weniger als Mann der Tat denn vor allem als Messias wirkt, außergewöhnlich friedensbemüht sein soll – dann steht es nämlich schlimm um den Frieden. Und um den Nobelpreis.

Greenback Slumps on Shift to Riskier Assets

The dollar’s respite proved short-lived as traders resumed selling the currency in the Thursday session, pushing it to a fresh one-year low against the Australian dollar at 0.9088 and two-week low against the euro at 1.4816.

The equity, commodity and energy markets were in lockstep as spot gold touch record high for its third consecutive session past the $1,055 per ounce level and crude oil edging back above the $70 per barrel level near $72.

The major US equity bourses also climbed higher, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq advancing by nearly 1% in the afternoon session.

The economic data released earlier in the session saw weekly jobless claims improve to 521k from 551k a week prior and the August wholesale inventories slip by 1.3% from a 1.4% decline in the previous month.

Speaking earlier today was Richmond Fed President Lacker reiterated that the economic outlook remains unchanged from the previous FOMC meeting, adding that the risk of sliding into a recession again in 2010 has diminished substantially.

He also quelled speculation of impending rate hikes advising that the Fed should not tighten policy today.


Mots clés Technorati : American Economy,Currencies,USD,Risk Appetite,fvtaiwan

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Preity Zinta In Yash Raj Films

Preity Zinta who completed recently shooting part of Salman Khan and Kareena Kapoor starred Main Aur Mrs Khanna has recently signed another project in Yash Raj Films. She refused to say the full details about that movie.

She has accepted one more movie in Aamir Khan’s own production also. Recently she returned back from USA trip and busy with TV programmes. Her long waited film Jahnu Barua’s  Har Pal is ready to hit the screens by the end of this year.

Israel and NATO members gets ready for joint missile drill

The European border with the Middle East can best be defended by Israel. The threat of missile from Iran can best be taken care of by putting a Missile shield inside the Jewish state.

From a test fire of an Arrow Missile in Israel. The US has proposed a new Middle East missile shield against the threat from Iran.

Later in October the state of Israel will see a joint Israeli-US Juniper Cobra missile defense exercise. To prepare for this huge military operation, the head of he IDF general Gabi Ashkenazi flew to France on Sunday. Ashkenazi met with the Chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen and French Chief of the Defense Staff Gen. Jean-Louis Georgelin.

Ashkenazi and Mullen discussed the joint Israeli-US Juniper Cobra missile defense exercise, which is scheduled to begin later this month. The drill will include the Israeli Arrow missile defense system as well as three American systems – the THAAD, Aegis and PAC3 – that will all be deployed in Israel for the duration of the exercise.

Ashkenazi and Georgelin also discussed developments in Iran. Last month Georgelin told an audience in Washington that military intervention was no longer a viable option to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear capability. He said a military strike was too risky.

My comment:

While NATO-member Norway boycott one of Israel`s technology advanced company Elbit, the United States needs the help of Israel to defend the borderline between Europe and the Islamic world.

The Norwegian defense boycott of Israel, has also become an the embarrassment for United Kingdom. Simply because Israeli drone technology, is used in remote controlled combat aircraft without pilots, in a bid to defend both British and Norwegian soldiers fighting in Afghanistan.

The Norweagian boycott of Elbit is an example of an European Government that do not understand its very own best. If Israel had answered with the same kind of boycott against Norway, the young vikings would have died at the mercy of the Islamic terrorists.

Monday, October 5, 2009

American TV Show ‘60 Minutes’ Features ILRI Research in the Masai Mara A decade of research on pastoral livelihoods in Kenya’s renowned game-rich rangelands is a win-win-win for livestock herders, big mammals and Kenya’s tourism

The work of ecologist Robin Reid, who spent 15 years conducting pastoral research at the Nairobi headquarters of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)  and is now Director for Collaborative Conservation at Colorado State University, in Fort Collins, is featured in a current segment of the American television program ‘60 Minutes’, which aired last Sunday, 3 October 2009. You can view the segment on the 60 Minutes website here:

Read more (CBS News)

Medical Ethics

Medical Ethics

Abu is a grown up man and a father of two kids lives in Bristol Ct USA and recently he met a young girl whose name is Mary at six flags New England amusement park of Massachusetts . Mary is a medical student and very happy to have a child. She is having a test-tube baby from a medical lab that stores and sells and fertilized human eggs. A long time ago Mary’s grandfather who was also a medical doctor donated the embryo for someone who can have a child and now grand daughter Mary is having her grandfather’s eggs to produce a human child in an educated society.

The moral question is what is the relation between Mary and the child?

There are many donors who passed away but there embryos (eggs) are wetting for buyers to change wisdom of God (Rab) and system of psych. Medical ethics and moral family values are in danger in the United State of America and in the European countries due to lack of wisdom . Wisdom of humane life is the quality that separates animals from human beings. It is a state of living that marked especially by understanding of Supreme Being for human beings.

Blessing on humanity (Rabi) from Mehdi (Imam) and Adam (Jesus) the father and the son with Holy Spirit!  

The global women health and education crisis is the result of Christian ethics of distributing education, ethics and moral values unequally. We know that the “God save the queen and queen save the world if queen is humane ” The problem is when someone uneducated and dusk colored like me tries to prove something it is called delusion and the same product gets new name and introduced by some privileged member of Christianity called illusion.

Human faith religion starts from the premise of humanity which is more than a physical face and biological organism. It is a wisdom that can only be obtained from the nature of God (Rab). It is a stage of awareness where purity of living in the physical senses without bias. Humanity is theological evolution and logical process of supernatural system of Supreme Being, the theory of human faith religious is philosophy to evolve that human embryology is theological evolution and consciousness of supreme power.

Mary reminded Abu of his childhood days in Multan Pakistan where Quasar- E- Batool ( Mother ) is the central point of humanity. The City of Saint human faith thought Abu that materialistic stress for mental development of a child can produce an educated human with spiritual sense of awareness that child becomes humane.
Abu came home from the amusement park to Bristol that evening, prayed to his God (Rab) and asked heavenly light, what is wisdom?

The answer was, ability to see beneath the surface of life and death.

Human faith teaches not only moral values it can give realistic purpose of achieving complete fulfillment of internal life. Our method of understanding both the universe and life is based on unlimited confidence in individual by teaching respect of human life and God (Rab-Ul-Aalameen).

Human faith is Mehdi’s and Adam’s monotheistic faith and knows that God is the creator and overseer of the universe at all the time and all matters.  Saint Human Faith and Adam (Jesus) the father and son do not support culture of
Drug users ,
Money lover ,
Thieves ,
Gamblers ,
The waves of fresh air with small particles full of wisdom and oxygen of (Rabi) are in the air it is just matter of time when they touch the brain to change the heart. Human Faith is heavenly light of knowledge restriction on sacred light is eclipse on humanity and blasphemy. The Divine Affirmations of human faith are the commandment of God (Rab) of Humanity (Rabi). The crime against the Divine laws is blasphemy and great disrespect for our God (Rab) of humanity (Rabi).

The last eclipse on Moon was in 2008 and the last eclipse of Sun will change ecological system of balance and chemistry of nature . It is time to educate our self about environment and realty of life.
There are no words can express the wisdom of God (Rab) , God is Knowledge, God is freedom ,God is light, God is Life, God is Love.

Friday, October 2, 2009

New Amsterdam Pavilion / UNStudio

New Amsterdam Pavilion

Richard Koek

Yesterday afternoon, we had the pleasure of attending the opening day of  Ben van Berkel’s New Amsterdam Pavilion in Peter Minuit Plaza, just outside Battery Park in Manhattan.  After walking around the pavilion and watching New Yorkers’ first encounters with the new sculptural piece, we had the opportunity to study the project with Mr. van Berkel as he explained his ideas and process. The pavilion is a gift from the Netherlands to New York in honour of 400 years of friendship; yet the pavilion does not attempt to physically manifest a representation of that relationship.  Rather, the pavilion can be interpreted in different ways and speaks to both the history and the future of the city.

More about our talk with van Berkel and more images after the break.

Situated in a prime location, the pavilion is just feet away from the hectic subway station, the Staten Island Ferry Terminal and Battery Park.   “It is the ideal site…it is steeped in a sense of a shared past and looks directly toward the harbour where Henry Hudson sailed.  It is also focused on the future by virtue of its role as a modern transportation hub within the constantly changing scene of Lower Manhattan. This is a site where history meets the future,” explained van Berkel. The form’s wings point toward historical places, such as the Hudson, and also point toward the future of the skyline, as a way to connect the two. Karen Cilento

With an estimated 75,000 people passing by, the pavilion will act as the heart of a busy intersection with people crossing over and meeting, coming together and interacting. “Not only tourists, but also locals, people commuting from the train station, from the terminal, from the city, can come here and grab a coffee, can get information from side of pavilion, ask where to go, where to see, where to take a boat,” explained van Berkel.

Karen Cilento

The undulating form creates several facades; one facade provides digital information acquainting visitors with the surrounding neighborhood, another provides information about events in The Netherlands, another acts as an information desk, while still another façade will become a food and beverage outlet, with seating provided on the surrounding Plein.

Karen Cilento

Constructed from simple materials, namely wood, steel, and glass, the pavilion’s form experiments with how surfaces can morph into a continuous series of walls, ceilings and floors.  “By keeping it simple, the idea of the pavilion is how it all comes together,” explained van Berkel.  Working with the idea of blending, the diagonal fritted glass pattern helps the opaque white exterior surface transition to transparent glass. “It serves as a relationship to blend between different materials,” noted van Berkel.

Richard Koek

With only nine months to complete the pavilion (and working through more than half a dozen design iterations), the project was constructed in Virginia to save time.   Huge trucks transported the pieces of the pavilion to New York in the middle of the night.  Yet, although rushed, van Berkel did not seem hindered by the time limit.  In shorter projects, he explained, it is more about the form and making that form work; in longer projects, “with more time, the initial form may be compromised.”

Richard Koek

There are a few imperfections in the skin as it is not as smooth as van Berkel would have liked. Although another 3 or 4 layers will be added to make the exterior smooth, van Berkel added, “I don’t need the form to be so super shiny. I like the effect of the unevenness…you can see that people have worked on it. You can see layer after layer, and it shows some of the life in the materials.”

Richard Koek

The white exterior constantly reflects the surroundings, and as one stays there throughout the course of the afternoon, the finish slowly changes from a lighter blue to a warmer red.  The pavilion will be equipped with LED lighting so that during the night, it will seem to glow.

Karen Cilento Richard Koek

Noting his earlier design of the Villa NM, where the volumes seamlessly transition to allow a “fluid continuity between interior and landscape”, van Berkel explained that the design of the Amsterdam pavilion allowed him to revisit previous ideas and rethink certain aspects.

Since the pavilion is brand new, those viewing it stare at its minimalistic form and gleaming white surfaces.  It will be interesting to see, in the passing months, how New Yorkers will react to the piece.  Once the plaza and seating area are complete, (the surrounding area will also be designed by van Berkel) there is little doubt that this pavilion will surpass the success of van Berkel’s latest Chicago pavilion.

Karen Cilento Karen Cilento



Langsam werden die Tage gezählt. Am 9. oKtober ist das Homecoming game, die nächste Woche ist Spiritweek und am 10. Oktober ist der Homecoming Ball.  die Spiritweek sieht so aus, dass wir jedenTag ganz bestimmte Klamotten anhaben, die von Mottos bestimmt weerden, wie zum Beispiel Superhero- day. Ich weiß nicht was ich an dem Tag anziehen soll.

Aber viel wichtiger ist natürlich der Ball. Ich habe jetzt auch “endlich” ein Kleid. Die meisten Mädels haben ihr Kleid Anfang des Jahres gekauft. Mein Kleid ist schwarz/weiß und endet überm Knie. Ich habe Glück gehabt, ich habe das Kleid von einer Freundin geliehen und muss so also kein Geld bezahlen, wie viele andere.

Nur schade ist, dass ich nicht Homecoming queen werdenkann.An unser Schule werden für die Sportarten/ Band usw. Vertretter gewählt, welche sich dann ein Date suchen, die beiden können dann gewählt werden. Bei der Wahlbin habe ich mit einer Stimme (!) Unterschied verloren, und da an unser Schule von ihrgendjemanden das Gerücht verbreitet wird, ich habe ein 22- jährigen deutschen Freund, was dann zu einem Amerikaner umgeformt wurde und später zur Amerikanerin(?????), habe ich anscheinendschlechte Karte eins der Dates zu werden,oder die Amismögen mich einfaach nicht. Wer weiß….

Auf jeden Fall freue ich mich schon sehr…..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

WBOB Jacksonville FL 1320 verification

WBOB was a station neither of us had heard prior to the October 2008 DX pedition to Lista. On this 3 night DX-pedition, however, WBOB was the dominant station on 1320 kHz most of the time. WBOB broadcasts a news/talk/sport programming with a night time power of 5 kilowatts from Jacksonville in Florida. WBOB has been a rather difficult catch untill recently, but the station was heard many times in Scandinavia during the 2008-2009 season. Funny how rare stations suddenly becomes regulars while regulars sometimes fade into obscurity!

Operations Manager A.J. Davis confirmed my reception of WBOB with an e-mail today.