Friday, February 5, 2010

US Fed. Passes Cybersecurity Bill, Manhattan Project of Our Generation

The House of Congress passed a bill that will build up the US’s cyber defenses. (If you’re a conspiracy nut, you’re probably thinking all those news stories of China’s hack on the US government and companies was probably targeted raising awareness over the issue.  Tsk, tsk.)

The bill requires the president’s administration to assess the current government body when it comes to cybersecurity, and “establishes a scholarship program for undergraduate and graduate students who agree to work as cybersecurity specialists for the government after graduation.”

It sounds like good news for students who are already majoring in something related to computers:

Mr. Arcuri said that the federal government will need to hire between 500 and 1,000 more “cyber warriors” each year to keep up with potential enemies. Troops online “are every bit as important to our security as a soldier in our field,” he said.

It’s about the only specialized field I know of that will guarantee a job for decades to come.  This cyberwarfare stuff?  Not going away any time soon.


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