Wednesday, December 2, 2009



Tonight President Obama gave a speech, addressing cadets at the USMA at West Point, NY.  The focal point of the speech was the war in Afghanistan and the future of American plans for the region.  It is no secret that part of the world is one of the most precarious places to fight and practice politics.  Nations throughout history have come to Afghanistan only to meet defeat at the hands of the locals.  From Alexander the Great, who conquered the known classical world, to the massive Red Army of the Soviet Union, tried to submit the Afghans to foreign rule.  The terrain, and culture when clashed with an invading nation’s tactics proved fatal to all who have tried.  The Soviets used some of the most aggressive and inhumane tactics to eliminate the Mujahadeen threat to their operations in Afghanistan, only to strengthen the opposition.

The mountains and caves of Afghanistan provide an insurmountable natural barrier to any army that may face them.  Nuclear blasts could not topple the refuges the enemy takes from Coalition forces when night comes.  Afghans do not like to fight at night.  Just like any other place on Earth, money dictates the reason d’etre in Afghanistan.  The cash crop of the local economy is opium, which is made into heroin, morphine and other narcotics.  Money from drug sales finances Taliban and Al Qaida operations in that region, with everyone having their price.  In effect, we are buying the Taliban off, not to fight us.  We are not going to win a fair fight with anyone in Afghanistan.  The Soviets tried chemical weapons and that didn’t work.  The true strategy would be to deny the enemy any ground in their operating areas.  Mines, reconaissance, UAV drones, bribes won’t do the job by themselves.  Unconventional weapons, unfortunately, have the moxy to rid the mountains of the Taliban, but at a substantial cost to everyone in the region. (See Chernobyl).

Not only can we not win in Afghanistan with things as they are, the situation in Pakistan is much more dire.  The Pakistani government has nuclear weapons.  Islamabad is very close, about 80 miles, to the border with Afghanistan.  Many in Pakistan see the US as an enemy due to the Bush administration’s support of the Musharraf regime, which persecuted many in tribal areas.  The average Madras in Pakistan teaches Muslim children conservative Islamic values which can be exploited for use by any extremist group in the area.  The real scary part is if a patient, Pakistani mal-content gets his/her hands on a bomb and gives it to Al Qaida.  Though the probability is rare, it could happen.  Did I mention that U.S. Predator and Reaper drone are just blasting the hell out of things in Pakistan’s tribal areas? Yes, the CIA is at it again and has been for years.  The thought of the CIA doing anything besides playing Risk scares me, after reading “Legacy of Ashes”.

The heart of the matter and what disappoints me the most is how the United States cannot afford this war right now.  I believe war to be the worst way to solve a problem  Sun Tzu often suggested diplomacy and reason over a fight, but if you have to fight… On 9/11/2001 the U.S. had no choice but to fight.  Al Qaida called us out onto the mat and we had to respond.  The lawlessness of Afghanistan in the regime set up by the Taliban fostered an environment acclimate to Al Qaida’s activities.  Activities, which could not be held without notice in other nations.  Without going in to the mis-deeds of the previous administration, the U.S. made it’s point and there are now bigger fish to fry.

The American people have been under an economic siege, without respite for close to two years.  Lives all across the nation have been changed for the worst, whole states have gone bankrupt, while those responsible receive bailouts and are living as things have not changed. Courtesy of you and me. AIG, Goldman Sachs, Chrysler, GM all received money when there was none to be had.  Many said the Obama administration just printed more, under the direction of a Treasury Secretary that can’t even pay his own taxes. Many in the Obama administration are wayward with taxes and the IRS, a luxury not afforded to the unwashed masses.  The President can legally send troops abroad without the consent of Congress, but only they can approve the necessary spending for such deployments.

Where is Congress going to get the money? First they’ll gut an already anorexic health care bill, after that, a “war tax” on all of those who make more than $30,000.00 per year.  So, in addition to the tax money we are already paying, we will have to pay more.  Please tell me if I am wrong in my thinking.  If that is the case, I see the TEA party becoming the next political party in the United States.  The one thing the Obama administration has tried to accomplish for the good of the people is about to be eclipsed by the act of sending 30,000 more troops to fight a pointless war.  Hundreds of U.S. soldiers stand to die for an 18-month stand in the face of Al Qaida and where is the logic?  Obama’s action proves his lack of skill and understanding in this area.  Military operations hardly go according to plan, and telling the enemy when you plan to withdraw only makes them wait until that date.  In the words of an Australian serviceman in Afghanistan, the decision reflects a D.U.T.C.H. spin on the whole war and where to go.

D.U.T.C.H. ~ Don’t Understand The Circumstances Here   … and not the people of that delightful European nation.

I like President Obama and if I did not, I would want him to succeed in his efforts.  His successes are our successes, but this will not be one of them.  I don’t know if his decision to proceed with more forces in Afghanistan was made out of consensus among his staff, or by himself, but someone needs to read up on their history there.  History has a tendency of repeating itself.



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